Philodina cf flaviceps; whirling, dorsoventral view. Morphotype with arched upper lip and rel. narrow corona, which is in contrast to the desrciption of Bryce (1906) and other P. flaviceps-morphotypes (>>> see measurements). (1) |
Philodina cf flaviceps; 4 aspects of the anterior part/ head; different focus planes. Images not to scale |
Philodina cf flaviceps; creeping specimen, dorsoventral view. The foot is rel. short.(1) |
Philodina cf flaviceps; foot of a creeping specimen, ventral view. Foot with with 4 toes and spurs (type 1: parallel-sided (cylindrical) and parallel aligned; extremely short; |
Philodina cf flaviceps;s mastax / trophi, different ocus planes; dental formula (DF): 2/2 |
measurements >>> |
Location (1): Macugnaga, Piemont, Italy; creek |
Habitat (1): moss in lotic water (click to enlarge >>>>) |
Date (1): coll. 06.10.2021; img.: 08.10.2021 |